A strategic plan or Marshall plan for aid and cooperation

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It is paramount that depending on the different possible scenarios (from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic) they can fight so that the deficiencies by the closures of the hotel businesses can be more trivial and less expensive. Businesses ranging from married to 90% from self-employed and small SMEs to large companies.

In situations where we are living closures can be indispensable, illness and death are serious travel companions, the cruel experience we are living reminds us daily. What has been shown is that with cooperation and discussion we can considerably reduce cases of infection. Which therefore results in a business recovery.

Go ahead with the possible decisions to be taken, even from the longest term the most optimistic emergence of drugs to combat the pandemic, and another with a clear business-conscious attitude of fighting for business through impeccable and responsible behavior when necessary with state administrations, Board and Local Corporations on schedules, closures, Ertes, etc. and that administrations support with aid in the most difficult times to be able to overcome it. This cooperation is essential to move forward. Another is the pesimist, the being working independently and that will lead to disaster and out of control of the sector.

We have to see the possibility and strengthen the sector that in such difficult times there must be work together behavior, so that there is no opportunism of certain anti-democratic and anti-social attitudes that make the sector weak.

From the hard times come the big decisions, it is a very important moment for the joint work of the sector and administration to serve to fight the challenges. A sector dominated by SMEs, Self-employed workers and large companies must work through their associations and their representatives as good managers in the sector to achieve real and positive results..

Review and update of the business by its owner. Be able to see the changes that await us. Possible scenarios and elimination of unprofitable customs to suppress or update them by more current ones.

Tourism and its recovery will come when this starts to work more consistently, even if the pandemic persists. We must get used to living with her as safely as possible, as long as there are no real solutions. We are all part of a new and different future.

YOU MUST DO (Galician Association of Rural Tourism).